• Hrvatski
  • (m:) +385 49 461 301
    (f:) +385 49 461 337
  • Josipa Kraša 3, 49247 Zlatar
    Bistrica, Hrvatska


Quality – key to the success

Quality became a decisive factor of survival in the marketplace long ago. That is why El-Set has been giving special attention to quality. Over the years we have been working professionally and systematically on development and application of the quality system which is based both on requirements of our customers and application of the latest world standards and models.

The focal point: quality in each of our activities. Every worker is responsible for the quality of his work. Every team member, system, component and equipment selection, procedure, process and decision focuses on quality.

Our guideline is: Through self-assessment to continuous improvements. This mean that knowledge of own strengths and weaknesses and knowledge of achievements of competitors and best world practice have become a basis and an incentive to continuous improvement of our own performance. Results have followed such an approach: El-Set achieves the highest rank of suppliers for some of our customers.

The above mentioned proves that El-Set is a company in which quality culture is fully incorporated and makes an integral part of everyday activities and behaviour. This is a guarantee that El-Set can accomplish its basic task: to satisfy and exceed customer wishes, needs and expectations

Customer satisfaction

We want to be a serious supplier to our customers who can rely on us in the long run. Satisfied customer is our priority.

We hear and understand what our customer had to say and give them cost benefit, top-quality, reliability and flexibility in deliveries and outstanding service. In return, we gain the trust from them which proves long-term cooperation with them.

To ensure cost effectiveness for our customers and help them gain competitive advantage, we make every day efforts to continuously increase competitiveness by seeking more cost-effective solutions and increasing performance of all business processes.

We monitor the customer’s satisfaction as their perception of the level at which their requirements are met.

Quality policy

Our intentions and commitment to quality, the Board of El-Set has established the Quality Policy which is the basis for defining our strategy and goals. Through the fundamental quality principles we defined the goals that turn our vision and mission into concrete and achievable activities.

The most important pillars of our Quality policy are: focus on the customer, process approach, involvement of all employees, continual improvement, satisfaction of all stakeholders, with the main goal „0“ errors in every business.


Quality Management System ISO 9001

El-Set attaches top importance to quality. By implementing, maintaining and improving the quality management system, our success is more certain.Therefore, El-Set established the sustainable quality system right after the founding.

In July 2007, El-Set was awarded the ISO 9001 certification of Quality Management System that proves El-Set’s capability of fullfiling all market demands.


Safety at work and environmental protection

We are committed to respecting all laws related to the environment, health and safety at work, trying to avoid any negative impacts on people and the environment by appropriate organization and environmental protection in the enterprise. That is why we have implemented and continue to develop a management system for environmental protection and occupational safety.

El-Set is dedicated to product safety and compliance with REACH and RoHS obligations.